Today, I just had to get out of the house. I couldn't stand to look around at everything that needed to be done- the stacks of papers to correct, the dust on the furniture, the stacks of random kid items all over the counters and entertainment center, or the floor that needed to be vacuumed- and not be able to do any of them. The girls at this age, particulary, Camryn need to be watched and played with almost every second. Jaelynne used to be such an independent player, but now that she goes to daycare full time and and has some one to play with at all times, she expects that at home. Camryn will put herself in danger in just a blink of an eye. It doesn't leave a lot of time to get things done.
So the girls woke up from their nap earlier than to be expected. I had to get out. I was planning on taking Camryn to the mall because she doesn't have a lot of say in the matter, but as soon as Jaely noticed I was getting ready to go somewhere, she wanted to know where i was going. After i told her she said she wanted to go too.
I wasn't expecting it to be a wonderful trip because i had quite an agenda and i knew what Jaely's was- to play in the germ infested playland. in the car, i asked her if she wanted to be pushed around in the sit n stand part of the stroller (thinking, it would make my life a lot easier) but she didn't want to. We listened loudly to Farm Animal kid songs and sang along. She followed me around in Younkers, sat in the chair while i tried on stuff and gave her opinion on shirts i tried on. She talked to the maniquines and told them that they shouldn't stand on their tippy toes and that their toenails needed nail polish on them. She used an indoor voice and didn't run. She didn't rush me or nag me about going to the playland. She pointed out my beebo when we trying on clothes and asked me if i was cold. She picked out an outfit that she really liked in Gap and asked if we could buy it. . . little does she know Papa already picked out the same exact outfit and it is sitting downstairs ready to be given for her birthday.
I had an awesome trip with my daughter. It reminded me of shopping with my mom. What a grown up little girl we have. When did this happen?