Sunday, September 04, 2011


One more day of freedom before 29 third graders come through my classroom door. Set up for this year as been stressful to say the least, but i feel ready enough to be excited about it. I put in 10 hour days last week and this weekend trying to get my room organized and ready. I was rushed. I was stressed. But now, i am ready enough. I had to move to a different room and the building was a complete disaster as it was getting renovated. It isn't complete, but they say it is safe enough for students.

Most years as i write the students' names on their goodie bags, i pray for our relationship. I pray that I would be the teacher they need me to be. And as i stuff their goodie bags i wonder what they are like and what i will remember about them in 5 years. Not this year. I was dropping things in as quickly as i could and i was half way through with slapping on the big smiley face sticker when i realized that i wasn't even paying attention to the names on the bags. Sad start.

This year, i won't start it pregnant and exhausted. I won't be gone for 10 weeks. I won't be out of sick days and i will get paid my full amount. I won't have to pump during my planning time, but i still get to feed Camryn in the morning and at night. I will miss my girls tremendously and am scared i am going to miss too much of their daily lives. I will cherish my time with them even more on the weekends and the little bit of time before dinner and bed time. Jaely is mad at me already for working, but she will adjust. We all will.

Thank God i have a supportive, loving husband. It is going to be a busy year as he gets his masters degree and does his counseling placement. He will be working full time and working on his thesis project. We will make it. We will each give 100% and where my 100% isn't enough, his will be and when his 100% isn't enough, mine will be. Hopefully.

I hope things slow down a bit. I have a feeling they won't.

1 comment:

gail said...

I love your percentage balancing!
And I love you!