Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Best Not Feeling Well Ever

I feel like crap. My stomach is never really happy. . . whether it has food or not. This morning i actually felt like i was going to pass out and i had to sit down. I decided after awhile that i probably needed to eat. I remember waking up between 1 and 2 in the morning and my stomach was hungry. I should have gotten something to eat right then and there, but i didn't. When i get really hungry, i get nauseated and then NOTHING sounds good. That is what happened this morning. I tried to eat some crackers and yogurt, but i don't think that was enough. I have yet to throw up, but i am in almost a constant state of nausea.

The good thing is. . . it is because i have a baby growing in me! It is so worth it. . . i just have to remind myself that this will pass and it is for a very very very very very good cause.

My week of being able to take daily naps and relax when i want to is coming to an end, but i think soon i will get my energy back anyway. I am 10 weeks now and it seems to me that with Jaely i woke up one morning with my energy back right around 12 weeks. . . so i keep waiting for that feeling.

Soon, i am going to bed. It is one way to feel better (i can't feel like crap when i am sleeping) and i am bringing crackers to bed with me- just in case i wake up hungry again. I want to avoid a day like today. It was not good.

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