Saturday, February 13, 2010

Little Mern

I used to love visiting my mom's classroom. I would help her every year in the late summer preparing her classroom for teenagers. i started going when i was real young and i was only good for cleaning desks. By the end i was climbing on chairs to hang posters and alphabetizing and organizing a number of things. I would go in to her school a few times during the school year too. When i was young, i was kind of shy, but towards the end i was quite the show-off and remember putting great thought into what i was going to wear. Her students called me "Little Mern." My mom's nickname was Mern. Almost every student called her that instead of Ms. Michael or Mrs. Dungan. I liked when students called me that because i so wanted to be like my mom.

On Thursday, TJ brought Jaelynne to my classroom to our Valentine's party. I don't think he realizes how much that meant to me. You know what my students said when they saw jaely? "Oh look! It is a little Mrs. Ellis!" "It is a mini you, Mrs. Ellis." They had know idea what it felt like to hear those words. They were excited to finally meet this little girl that they hear so much about. She walked around their tables and pointed to the kids. She even attempted to hand out valentines like the kids did. And. of course, she wore her pink tutu with her heart shirt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so glad T.J. and Jaely were there to help you live out a very happy memory. Those times are so special and often come very unexpectedly. Happy Valentine's Day. Love, from GG