Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Texas Sheet Cake

I shouldn't have gone into work today, but i did. I was sitting there reading out loud thinking "i really shouldn't be here. Why did i come?" And then, i remembered why. I didn't have the energy last night to come in and make lesson plans. I made it though. I feel better tonight than i did last night.

Tomorrow night i am going to be out and about and i need to bring in a dessert and salad for Friday's treat day. So, i made a Texas Sheet (Shit, as my oldest brother calls it) Cake. I don't know if you have been lucky enough to have the opportunity to sink your teeth into a Texas Sheet Cake made by my mom or myself, but if you have then you know what i am talking about. I am salivating just typing about it.

I remember making my first one completely by myself at my aunt carol's house. I had to smuggle the recipe out of my mom's house and take it to my aunt's, after we stopped at the store for the ingredients. I was making my first Texas Sheet Cake for my mom's birthday. I had helped my mom make it many times, but i was never the one in charge. It was at this time that i discovered how easy it is to burn cocoa and butter. You really can't leave it on the stove alone for a second . My mom loved the cake because finally she could enjoy one without having to make it or clean up after making it.

I just want to dive into this one that i made tonight, but my frosting looks perfectly glisteny and delicious. I don't dare try a bite because that will lead to more "bites". Yummmmm


Anonymous said...

Mmmmm....The Ellis Texas Sheet Cake is quite possibly the world's most perfect food. I remember a few years ago my mom wanted to know what kind of cake I wanted for my B-Day. I said a texas sheet cake, like Lindsey makes. She found a recipe online and put COFFEE in it!!! It was ruined. Such a waste. I won't even attempt to make one myself because it would never be as good as yours. I hope your co-workers appreciated it!

Anonymous said...

I feel the need to correct sarah: It will always and forever be the Michael Texas Sheet Cake.

Anonymous said...

Funny thing is, I was purposely writing Michael. Thought I was writing it and was instead writing Ellis. Anyhow, that's what I meant...I'm a nerd!!

Anonymous said...

Man... after reading this post I sure do have a hankerin' for some shit cake!
p.s. you knew it was coming!