You will have to excuse this post. I am very tired, almost half asleep. I cannot really lay down on the couch, for fear that i will smudge the fresh polish on my toe nails. I sacrificed sleep for acceptable sandal-wearing toe nails. It is all i can do to not have annie flop right on top of my feet and drool with pleasure of being 'petted'. Abby just wants to rub up against the nail polish bottle, the nail polish remover, and my steady hand trying to apply the hot pink color.
I am relaxed. I will be able to go to bed in seconds (as soon as i try, of course.) TJ. . . well that is a completely different story. Have you ever wanted to help someone, to alleviate some pain so bad that it made your heart ache? I know that TJ is blessed and there are people that are suffering in worse situations, but i just want to help him, to have peace wrap around him. He feels like he is doing so much and he is not doing a good job at any of them. I, of course, point to the hyacinths and lilies that he bought just for me and said that i have never doubted his love, so he must be doing a good job at being a husband. He thinks so much. . . about every thing, about things i don't even know or understand. School is high on the list. I cannot wait for the year to be over for him. Will next year be any better, though? Is it wrong to lower your expectations? Will he always struggle with the balance of work and life? I am sure he is worried about his sister, my health, students, getting pregnant, being pregnant, being parents, etc. I am sure he is not going to like all of this about him written on my blog. . . but it is
my blog and these are
my thoughts that consume me lately. I guess, i don't know what he needs. I could ask. I know i will pray.
We went out to eat with friends last night. We haven't seen them in ages. Actually, it is our old pastor from GVSU, John and his wife Sherry. He married us and he looks like Captain Kangaroo. It was wonderful to laugh and share stories and memories. It amazes me how some people can ask significant questions and can get the small talk to vanish. It was refreshing. If you ever hear Tj or i use the phrases "it's a non-issue" or "100%/ 100%" Those came from John. . . as for where he got them, who knows. 100%/100% is used in terms of relationships, especially marriage. Where you both give 100% and then there is overlapping. If someone's 100% isn't enough, there is always the other person's. If i know TJ has had a rough day, i make dinner
and clean up. If i am stressed, TJ may empty the dishwasher or clean the bathrooms. We both give 100%. It works for us. Sure, we have our 'chores,' but they often get switched or taken care of by the other person. It just depends. All, i know is i never feel like he takes me for granted or any resentment or any bitterness. It is freeing. "non-issue" is pretty self explanatory. That one is my favorite.
My toe nails are dry to the touch, which means i can definitely lay on the couch, as long as i stick my feet out from under the blanket. But then i run the risk of Abby rubbing her face on my toes. She loves to rub her face on anything sticking out. TJ is downstairs exercising, which is the last thing i want to do when i am stressed beyond belief, but it works for him and Ultimate Fighter is on, so he can watch TV and get some exercise. Tomorrow is Friday. Oh Happy Day!