Monday, April 09, 2007

Here Come the Migrants

First day back at school after a week of sleeping in late and conversing with adults. My 5:15 alarm shook me from such a deep sleep. What a shame. It was a pretty good day back. I have a new student. . .the migrants are starting to roll in. Asparagus is coming. My new student had to see the principal today for playground behavior. Oh goody. . . no honeymoon period with him. He looks old, too, like he should be in fifth grade or something. His sister is in another third grade class. i have her for reading. When i asked if they were twins, he said no. Hummmmm . . .

No energy to sew, read, or exercise, BUT i did for the first day in a long time stick to my weight watchers points for the whole entire day. Yes, i feel proud of myself. Now, i have tomorrow to achieve the same goal. I was starting out every day good, and then get home and blow it, BUT not today. I even have points for a small bowl of ice cream. I had to write Edy's an e-mail because my mint chocolate chip slow churned ice cream has sour/rotten chips in it. Just to make sure i wasn't going crazy i innocently offered tj a bite of yummy ice cream. He said "This tastes wrong." Maybe we will get some money back. . . at any rate, they should be aware of the nastiness.

I know it is early, but i am going to get ready for bed. Get out of my lounging wear and into my pajamas. Maybe there won't be a G.R. trip this week after all. . . no period yet. I will keep you posted, sorry if it is too much information for some of you, but you are reading at your own risk.

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