Last week, my principal came in to ask if it would be alright if all seven administrators came into my room to do a "walk through." He said the administrators were being trained in getting useful observations by walk throughs. He assured me they would be in two groups and that each group would be in my room for about five minutes. I said sure. For some reason, i don't freak out at these things and i think he knew that. I feel like i can almost back up anything i am doing in my classroom, if asked about. You can always do things differently, but not necessarily better. Anyway, in they came today. My kids were finishing up breakfast in the room and were getting ready to switch for centers. The other group came when we were setting up our graphic organizer for Fables. My kids were funny. They were coming up to me and asking what all those people were doing in our classroom. I always just ignore administrators when they come in, unless they approach me, but this was a lot of big people at once. My curriculum administrator said that they had wonderful things to say about me and my classroom and they were wondering who i was. I was shocked that the superintendent knew my first name. . . i am sure he just was told it before coming into my room.
Tomorrow, i have a sub because i am working on curriculum with other teachers. After school, as i was getting ready for a sub, another teacher came in to my room. She had some questions for me. She has been trying to get pregnant and has gone to see the Dr. that i go to. She was put on glucophage and was scheduled for an HSG. I warned her about the HSG and we told stories about taking our temperature every morning, about the word "coitus", and about woman's bodies. It was really good to talk to her. The Dr is moving much quicker with her than she did with me. Maybe because she knows what is wrong with her. It was a good talk. She asked good questions, wanted to know about me, and could relate. The doctor knows what is wrong with her though. With me. . . no clue. I have decided not to be very aggressive right now. I need a break from it consuming my mind. The Femera didn't work. I don't know what to do next. I should call, but i don't feel like messing with it. I am sure i would have to start taking hormones again and start all over. Tired. I am going to wait for my December 28th appointment and probably ask to be referred to the place in GR.
This weekend, i don't want to do anything school related. My grad class is done, so i don't have work to do for that! I don't want to talk about school. I don't want to crack open my bag. i don't want to use markers (unless i am scrapbooking) I want to Christmas shop. I need to bake for the Christmas party. I need new boots. Mine broke when i was out on recess duty. BUT, i have so much school work to do. Oh well. Right now, i am going to go read. If you got to the end of this. . . thanks for reading/listening.
I know what you mean about bosses. Though my job is meaningless, especially compared to you, it was hard at first to get used to about 9 "bosses" walking aroung behind me all the time. Not to mention the milions of cameras. I handled the stress as soon as I realized that I didn't really care. It was so-o-o much better when I was the "boss". Dad
That is awesome that all the fancy pants people thought you were doing a great job...not that you didn't already know that but it's nice to have a little attention for it. :) I probably won't see you on the 28th... my appointment is at 10am. Although, with how she runs, maybe I will! Have fun shopping this weekend, you need a little shopping therapy!
It least you have one. The rate things are going for me, I mau be the only one left. Rumor has it that next year is going to be a bad one. We may not know who we work for and there may not be any work to do. Stay tuned!
missing you guys on sundays nights...
thanks for keeping us updated via blog though.
you have to tell me what your loopies are.
Check out my Flickr Bar. The new one is there.
I'm so proud of you! I remember when you were discouraged because you hadn't yet gotten a permanent teaching job. You told me that maybe you'd never get a teaching job and that you just do something else. I told Grandma that we needed to pray you'd get a job SOON because you deserved a chance to find out what a wonderful teacher you are. They are SOOOOO fortunate to have you. Your mom would be so proud, she just wouldn't be able to get the smile off her face.
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