Friday, February 22, 2008

Attack of Pasta Roni

Mmmm. . . pasta roni, the San Fransisco treat. TJ is on his way home, so i decided to make myself the gourmet dinner of pasta roni,-angel hair with herbs to be exact. I was eager to see how my students did on their multiplication and division assessment, so i was correcting those and entering the grades in my gradebook (i know, on a Friday. . . i am crazy). When my pasta was done, i brought over a bowl and placed it on my gradebook, taking bites as i worked. I had a mouthful, chewed, just getting ready to swallow, when i had a sudden, forceful, unavoidable urge to cough. I spewed all the chewed up pasta and spit onto my gradebook and projected it on the table and in my box of markers, pens, and paper clips. GROSS. Because it was so liquidy, my grades written in marker instantly began to bleed through to other pages and smear. YUCK! I am thankful for two things. . . 1: i did not cough out my food on my electronic, web based gradebook on my mac and 2: that tj and i both have cell phones so i could call him with my story. I knew he would appreciate it. Life is funny. Today was sunny. Alanis Morissette's Simple Together is blaring on my ipod. 16 students out of 23 students got an "A" or a "B" on the assessment. My one boy that got a 1/10 on the assessment is getting tested for special ed, thank goodness. Today is Friday. Sunday there is a shower for baby ellis. TJ is coming home. Life is good.

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