Sunday, July 29, 2007

200th post brings good news

My chapter three got approved. She wrote that i was good to go. I meet with her on Friday armed with my hard copy. At that time, she is only going to look at formatting. In order for it to be bound correctly, it has weird margins and the title page needs to be visible through the window on the cover. After meeting with her, i walk from her office right across the blue bridge that goes over the river right into kinkos doors and request it copied and bound x3. I cannot tell you how much relief i feel right now.

I just took all the stuff from shucking the corn to the compost pile on the edge of our woods. And i scared 4 chickens. Where did those guys come from?? I think TJ got them and just never told me. He has always wanted chickens. I guess that gives me the right to get me a pygmy goat! Yee Haw!

Tomorrow, i think i am going to go shopping for bigger clothes and weed the back garden. TJ is staining the back deck right now, but tomorrow he has a meeting at school he has to go to. i need to shop and i am not going to be upset about my big size because, after all, i am pregnant (man, i love the sound of that) and have huge cysts in me. I haven't gained a pound since i stopped my injections, but i have put on a lot of weight because of my injections. I can't fit into any of my pants. Today, i brought up my fat bin, took the clothes out, and replaced them with my "skinny" clothes- not that i was ever skinny, but i was much smaller than i am now.

So, i just looked over at Annie, my drooling cat. And she was sitting on the coffee table licking her paw. . . like how she does it when she is sitting up on my fish tank after she has put her paw in the water. I watch a little longer and i saw her insert her paw nearly to the bottom of my tall glass of pure water, remover her paw and lick it again. Then she repeated this three more times before moving on. Gross. I guess i am getting a new glass of fresh water and i will never leave it on the coffee table out of my sight again.

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