Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Soaking My Feet

There are two things i wanted to get done before my birthday (because i am a big freak!) First, I wanted to clean the house (i cannot imagine turning another year older in a dirty house). Second, i wanted to soak my feet and give myself a pedicure. I am now soaking my feet in a clean house. Life is good. I just found some treasures on some square hard things. . . i think they are called floppy disks. I found, rather saved, my creative writing from high school and college. Just the stuff that i did on a computer. Most of my writing was done in numerous journals and spiral bound notebooks. Some of my writing, as i was reading it ten years after writing it, surprised me. I was a wee bit angry at friends, family, or life. I guess that is typical, but i didn't realize at the time just how angry i was. I am glad i saved my writing before the few computers that have floppy drives die altogether and i am left with these square black things, but no way to read them. I think, with many disclaimers, i will post some of this writing, so that it will ever be safe on this thing called the internet. I did transfer my novice writing onto my flash drive, so that i wouldn't lose those feelings, those memories, those inaccurate pictures of how my life was. Some of the writing, i have to admit, might hurt some people, but i think it is beautiful how some of my anger and frustration was healed into full and awesome relationships. Some of it will embarrass the crap out of me, but i still feel the need to post it. Some of it i might actually keep the skeleton of the piece and make a lot of changes. Some of it will make me laugh at the absurdity of the situations i wrote about, but it was my life then, no matter how ridiculous. Well, on that note, i am going to scrub my feet now. The water is getting cool. I love this laptop. And, did i tell you? It came with a free ipod nano and printer, scanner, copier and we got an educators discount. Hooray!!!


Anonymous said...

You've got hard, black, square, floppies? I've still got soft, brown, and round floppies! Can't beat the Commodore 64 and I bet you can't function with only DOS! Every now and then I'll read from one of my "old" journals and wow. I'm certain thaqt I haven't changed, it's got to be the rest of the world. Love, Dad

Charity said...

Ok...So when is your birthday exactly????? I thought I missed it but maybe not???

Lindsey said...

My birthday is june 13th of course!! TJ says that i celebrate my birthday for about a month, so it is easy to get confused. Thanks for your earlier hooray! I know you are cheering and praying for us. :)

Anonymous said...

I was planning on calling at 4 am and screaming/singing Happy Birthday to you (it was the closest I could come to getting you back for jumping on my bed and scaring the crap out of me...) but I slept through it. Surprise ruined! I hope your morning is good regardless. I'm glad to hear your ovaries gave you an early present! Go ovaries go!!! I'll call in a little bit to see what's up.
p.s. So glad you treated yourself to the laptop...when is the bistro set coming??