Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Corbin Starr

Hooray! Today Corbin Starr was born at 10 lbs. 8 oz. 22 in. Wow! Unfortunatly i don't have a cute picture of him yet, but until then. . . here are wooden letters TJ made for his room.


Ang said...

i love t.j.'s wooden letter font!

...and your new baby friend's name :)

I always thought that would make a great first name...unfortunately it probably wouldn't work out well for any of my children.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful wooden letters--TJ knows how important it is to have those. The Starr family will love having them.

EastMI-WoodChips said...

Great job! They look great, all those tools do come to some use after all1

Anonymous said...

Awwww!!! I LOVE those letters!! They are perfect! Tell TJ they are great, he is so talented. They will look so cute above his bed, which is covered with the blanket and elephant you made... it's a very Ellis themed room :) Thank you guys so much, they are perfect.
And thanks ang on the name comment :)